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Your Investment into the 'Your Dog And Arthritis' Inner Circle
is just *$47 a month for Members

The Your Dog And Arthritis Inner Circle is an exclusive community of 'senior dog' owners - just like you - who have access to a new level of support, education, products and health tips for their senior dog.

It’s jam packed with simple to follow, proven trainings and essential resources to help your dog live the longest, healthiest, pain-free life possible. 

So if your furry friend is slowing down, feeling the effects of age or dealing with the pain of Arthritis ...

Then my community is the place for both of you.

Let me help you to help your dog, so they can rediscover their inner puppy today ...

... so their later years can be their golden years!
Join me in this MEMBERS ONLY space where you can learn how to help your dog have the best quality of life possible.
Here's what you'll have access to …
Enter Your Information To Get Access
Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Step #2: Billing Address
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Step #3: Check out
Monthly payments of $47
Your Yearly Payment of $470
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Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
(*Priced in US Dollars)
Money Back Guarantee
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100% Secure Information

But that's not all ...  

You also get access to ...

And if that's not enough, you'll also get ...
  •  A weekly group email
  • ​A 1:1 Private Email Exchange with me each month
  • ​​And access to ALL updates to courses, modules etc as they are available 
  • ​Additional support from the community of devoted dog owners just like you, in the Facebook Group
  • ​All the Membership Discounts in the Essential Resources Module, with savings that could pay for your monthly membership
  • ​Plus ... if you sign up for 12 months, you'll also be able to book a Free 1-2-1 Zoom Call with me to personalise a 'Home Care' program for your dog.

**that’s over $1,000 of monthly value!

But you won’t invest anywhere near that today…

In fact today you have 2 choices

Option A: invest just $47 a month ...


Option B: invest just $470… enjoy access for a FULL 12 MONTHS…and get my 3 valuable bonuses

  • Bonus 1 : Save 2 months membership fees ($54 value)
  • Bonus 2 : Get a FREE 30-minute personal phone consult with me (value $150)
  • Bonus 3 : Get an extra email exchange with me each month to support your further. (Value $50)

Choose Option B and save.

You and your dog will be very glad that you did!

It really works! see what these senior dog owners had to say …
This is your opportunity to learn the life-changing strategies I've been showing thousands of committed dog owners, just like you ...

... that's given them more precious weeks, months, even years with their dogs. Which for them was priceless.

You can now add quality and quantity of life for your special four-legged friend, so you can be together for longer.

Old age may be a fact of life, BUT it's not a disease. So, if you've ever asked yourself the question ...

... what can I do to help my dog have the best quality of life possible in their senior years?

This is the answer!

(*Priced in US Dollars)
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